Large-scale Industrial
Solutions You Can Trust
It's Easy Being Green
We work within the circular economy as an advance Crumb Rubber manufacturing with capacity for Global Supply.

The use of waste as a subproduct can be considered to be the basis of recycling. And this practice is the main method of crucial contribution, with regeneration of the environment and our surroundings.

At Ganix Rubber, we work on the basis of this idea to generate activity centred on a circular economy, which suggests boosting the use of resources that come from elements at the end of their useful life, and reinstating their presence in the production chain. This not only generates wealth, but also contributes to sustaining the natural environment.

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Our Impact
Across nine facilities, we've helped over 10,000 clients in 37 states.

tons of scrap tires we've recycled


tons of rubber waste we've recycled


of the Fortune 500 we've served


countries we've recycled material from (including Antartica!)

Product we recycle

We recycle all types of scrap generated by Tire companies post and Pre production specialist of rubber and tyre scrap


GANIX PLASTIC's business line is in charge of properly segregating and classifying all plastic fractions by typology and specification.

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GANIX Metal is the business line dedicated to the comprehensive management of metallic waste for recycling and recovery of metal, ferric and non-ferric scrap.

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Rubber & Tire

Rubber & Tire recycling can be described as the process of recycling waste tires end of life tires that are no longer acceptable for use on vehicles.

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Let's Get your Team Closer to Zero Waste

We work within the circular economy as an advance Crumb Rubber manufacturing with capacity for Global Supply.

Our Valuable Clients